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Cat and Dog, Reiki animals , animal communication



Spiritual body, Soiritual holistic sercises

 Animal communication and Reiki go hand-in-hand. 

What is the difference between Animal Communication and Reiki?

Animal Communication and Reiki, for many people, intertwine and interconnect, Reiki enhances their communication work with animals and vice versa. Although complementary in many ways, the two techniques are not the same. 

With Animal Communication, the goal is to create a dialog between the communicator and the animal: to listen to what the animal has to say as well as sharing information with the animal.As a  communicator I   provide feedback,  to the animal’s human companion about issues that may be going on. In other words, communication is about connecting with what is going on and then interpreting that information verbally. Animal communicators advocate for the animal, as well as giving support to the human companions by clarifying issues that are confusing or unknown (for example surrounding unknown behavior problems, the dying process, or lost animals).

With the system of Reiki, the practitioner’s goal is to become as clear and empty as possible so that the energy (Reiki) can flow strongly for the highest good of the animal.We don't  need to know what the animal’s problem is, Reiki will always go to the source of health issues, bringing balance and healing on all levels. You may or may not receive intuitive information as a result of the deep energetic connection created during the treatment: such information, when received, is merely a by-product of the Reiki experience, but is not the goal or purpose of the treatment. The goal and purpose is to be a vessel through which the energy can flow– to let go and allow Reiki to do its work, without expectation or attachment to outcome.

Benefits of Reiki for pets:​

  • Strengthens the immune system for cancer therapies

  • Accelerates healing following surgery or illness.

  • Reiki can alleviate and prevent side effects of  conventional medications

  • Increases trust and bonding between you and your pet.

  • Reiki is extremely beneficial for animals with a history of abuse.

  • Provides comfort and relieves pain, anxiety and fear for terminally ill animals

  • Strengthens the immune system for cancer therapies.

  • Cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation present stress to an already compromised immune system. Reiki strengthens the immune system to better deal with this additional stress. It helps alleviate or prevent the side effects of conventional cancer treatments and provides pain relief.

  • Accelerates healing following surgery or illness.

  • Reiki can alleviate and prevent side effects of conventional medications such as pain killers and antibiotics, and provides pain relief and relaxation to facilitate and enhance the body’s natural healing response.

  • Increases trust and bonding between you and your pet.People and pets often mirror each others’ physical and emotional states. Animals are natural healers and sometimes take on their person’s problems, often in an attempt to heal them. This happens because of the deep bond shared between a pet and his or her person. Because of the shared energy in such a close relationship, energetic imbalances are shared as well. For optimum healing, joint treatments for people and their pets can often be beneficial.

  • Can help with behavior issues by promoting relaxation and stress reduction.

  • Many behavior issues are caused by stress. Reiki has a calming effect on the pet and may help make the pet more receptive to training and behavior modification. Reiki is extremely beneficial for animals with a history of abuse. The gentle touch and the energy can help restore trust in animals who have learned to associate touch with being hurt.

  • Provides comfort and relieves pain, anxiety and fear for terminally ill animals.

  • Reiki is a wonderful way to facilitate the transition for terminally ill animals and their owners. Often, animals will not allow themselves to transition because they intuitively feel that their person is not ready to let them go. Joint Reiki treatments for the pet and his or her person can help both through this difficult time by enhancing the bond and allowing a gentle transition.

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